Part I. Warm-up questions
1. How do you like city life? Which aspect of city life do you find most enjoyable?
2. What are the advantages of living in the city?
3. What are the disadvantages of living in the city?
4. What do you think of people’s living conditions in your hometown?
5. What are the major industries in your hometown?
6. Why do some people prefer to live in the countryside?
7. What do you think is special about your hometown?
Part II. Discussion and cards
Discussion: What impact these changes have on people’s life?
Pictures of improvement and changes in housing. Talk about the improvement of housing with regard to …….as shown in the pictures on your card.
(Before China carried out reforms and started opening up.)
(After China carried out reforms and started opening up.)
Card 1 : living space 高低床,餐桌, 锅碗瓢盆等挤在一间小屋子vs 宽敞客厅,复式楼
Card 2: furniture and facilities 高低床,简陋餐桌,煤炉,锅碗瓢盆等挤在一间小屋子v s沙发,冰箱,电视,HI FI, 柜式空调
Card 3: the surroundings and public services 满街挂满晾晒衣服,早餐摊点,垃圾堆, 拥挤的弄堂,公厕,当街洗衣VS 干净整洁的生活小区,健身区,喷泉, 停车库
Card 4: the variety of architecture 平房, 职工大院, 街道狭窄, 低于6层的楼房VS 高楼, 别墅,喷泉,宽敞的生活小区
Part III. Last questions:
1. Are you satisfied with the living conditions in your dormitory? Why or why not?
2. Why shouldn’t students be encouraged t live off campus?
3. Do you think public transportation in this city is convenient? (please give your reasons)
4. Do you think technology make our life easier and more enjoyable? Why do you think so?
5.Can you say something about the changes in home ownership over theyears
Part I. Warm-up questions
1. Do you find your life on campus enjoyable? (please explain)
2. How do you spend the last winter vacation?
3. How do you usually spend your weekends?
4. What optional courses do you take? (why do you choose them?)
5. Did it take you long to get adapted to campus life? (please explain)
Part II. Discussion and cards
Discussion: in what way summer vacations benefit students?
Cards: Suppose you are going to spend your summer vacation …. Say something about your plans.
Card 1 : traveling
Card 2: taking a summer job
Card 3: taking summer courses
Card 4: working as a volunteer
Part III. Last questions:
1. Is it advisable for students to travel to remote areas during the summer vacation? (why or why not?)
2. What are the possible risks involved in traveling?
3. Have you ever thought of doing something for your family during the summer vacation? (please elaborate)
4. Do you think most students make good use of their summer vacation?(why do you think so?)
5. What precautions should college students take while traveling during the summer vacation?
6. During the discussion, why did you say that ….?