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信息来源:  编辑:   日期:20-12-30

Ⅰ.Multiple choice.(15%)
1.Just as poignant, the arrivals at the airport fold into the mix of people as if they have been the missing_______.
  A. ingredient    B. daydream    C. mixture     D. touch
2. The traditional grocer’s shops are becoming less and less common now that there are so many supermarkets. What does the underlined part mean? _______
  A. turning up   B. dying out   C. keeping away   D. dying off
3. When it was disturbed, the deer ____ and disappeared in the forest.
  A. broke into a gallop        B. frightened
C. showed up               D. rushes away
4. Taxi drivers ____ passengers who are hailing on the roadside.
  A. pick out    B. get into   C. pick up    D. took away
5. An English farmer’s ____ may differ in size, but it generally includes broad fields, an orchard, a garden, and a nice cottage ____ by trees.
  A. home, buried       B. room, covered
C. house, hidden      D. homestead, sheltered
6. —The beauty magazine says the ideal human body is slim. Fat people are unattractive.
  —Oh, come on, do you believe that?
  A. rice    B. meat   C. rubbish   D. rages
7. I don’t think there’s any real ____ in looking back at all these quaint old customs.
  A. point    B. good    C. means    D. luck
8. The company was caught up in some ____ business.
  A. busy    B. healthy    C. dirty    D. sleepy
9. In writing her novel Jane Eyre, Charlotte Bronte ____ her personal experienccs as a governess.
  A. used up   B. drew on    C. made up    D. tried on
10. Some famous and successful people don’t like to be the focus of the ____.
  A. newspapers    B. magazines    C. televisions    D.media
11. The ____ between the two boys is so great that no one can tell one from the other.
  A. familiarity    B. resemblance    C. knowing    D. similar
12. We were dreadfully late. It was very ____.
  A. shame    B. embarrassing    C. embarrassed    D. painful
13. Mr Smith is looking for an experienced secretary who is ____ of organizing a busy sales office.
  A. capable   B. able    C. possible    D. responsible
14. There is ____ in front of the house.
  A. horse and cart      B. a horse and a cart
C. a horse and cart     D. a horse and the cart
15. In the early twentieth century, the “Model T” automobile was mass produced and sold at a price ____ could afford.
  A. the average person who    B. that the average person who
C. and the average person     D. the average person
Ⅱ. Match the words in column A with the words or phrases in column B(15%)
16.evolve a. top
17.crest b. regard
18.apprehension c. ruin
19.respect d. previous
20.allow e. fear and worry
21.former f. develop
22.smash g. unfriendly
23.comprehend h. digest
24.hostile i. permit of
25.proof j. evidence
26.interpret k. terrible
27.horrendous l. constantly chase
28.hound m. explain
29.habitation n. foolish and reasonable
30.ridiculous o. home
Ⅲ. Reading comrehension
Passage One
Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage.
A is for always getting to work on time.
B is for being extremely busy.
C is for the conscientious ( 勤勤恳恳的 ) way you do your job.
You may be all these things at the office, and more. But when it comes to getting ahead, experts say, the ABCs of business should include a P, for politics, as in office politics.
Dale Carnegie suggested as much more than 50 years ago: Hard work alone doesn''t ensure career advancement. You have to be able to sell yourself and your ideas, both publicly and behind the scenes. Yet, despite the obvious rewards of engaging in office politics—a better job, a raise, praise—many people are still unable—or unwilling—to "play the game."
"People assume that office politics involves some manipulative (工于心计的) behavior," says Deborah Comer, an assistant professor of management at Hofstra University. "But politics derives from the word ''polite''. It can mean lobbying and forming associations. It can mean being kind and helpful, or even trying to please your superior, and then expecting something in return."
In fact, today, experts define office politics as proper behavior used to pursue one''s own self-interest in the workplace. In many cases, this involves some form of socializing within the office environment—not just in large companies, but in small workplaces as well.
"The first thing people are usually judged on is their ability to perform well on a consistent basis," says Neil P. Lewis, a management psychologist. "But if two or three candidates are up for a promotion, each of whom has reasonably similar ability, a manager is going to promote the person he or she likes best. It''s simple human nature."  
Yet, psychologists say, many employees and employers have trouble with the concept of politics in the office. Some people, they say, have an idealistic vision of work and what it takes to succeed. Still others associate politics with flattery(奉承), fearful that, if they speak up for themselves, they may appear to be flattering their boss for favors.
Experts suggest altering

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