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信息来源:  编辑:   日期:20-12-30

学员 mika999: P36 4
Sales of adventure games increased steadily from 1995 to 1998.Sales of action games increased steadily from 1995 to 1997 , peaked at 25% in 1997, and then droped sharply.Sales of sports games droped by 10% in 1996, remained steady in 1996 and 1997, but increased by 5% in 1998.Sales of other games remained steady in 1995 and 1996 before a slight drop in 1997, and then recovered in 1998.

老师回复: Sales of adventure games increased steadily from 1995 to 1998.Sales of action games increased steadily from 1995 to 1997 应该用不同的词来表述 GO UP, peaked at 25% in 1997, and then droped sharply.Sales of sports games droped by 10% in 1996, remained steady in 1996 and 1997, but increased by 5% in 1998.Sales of other games remained steady in 1995 and 1996 before a slight drop in 1997, and then recovered in 1998.
表达很清楚 ,非常不错
不足之处是 应该用不同的上升和下降的词汇表达
一个词汇用几遍显得很罗嗦 ,建议改正



商务英语答疑精选 (二 )


学员 HQ07mf196761: 老师,这是我的作业,谢谢您的批阅
To : Della Li , Personal Secretary
From: Brenda Bi , Head of Research
Date: 14 June 2007
Subject : Annual holiday
I will be away for my annual holiday from 3 July to 22 July . In my absence , please deal with my E-mails .
And you could contact Jam if something urgent happens or call me for my mobile phone .
老师,我已经报名 12月分的中级考试,但因为不太清楚网上学习在偶然的机会才看到本校的广告,所以刚报这个在线学习课程一个多星期,而我又快 1年没接触英语了,我应该怎么学才能通过这次考试?我原来是自己在寝室看了一个月的书过了初级,但我知道中级难,我现在不知道怎么准备,希望老师能指导我该怎么做。多谢老师了!!!!

老师回复 :

To : Della Li , Personal Secretary
From: Brenda Bi , Head of Research
Date: 14 June 2007
Subject : Annual holiday
I will be away for my annual holiday from 3 July to 22 July . In my absence , please deal with my E-mails . PLEASE COLLECT MY MAIL AND PUT THEM ON MY DESK
And you could contact Jam if something urgent happens or call me ON 13XXXXXXXXXXX

写的还可以 ,注意搭配 CALL SB ON XXXX

中级不同于初级 .通过率为 20%

初级为 60%.自学通过初级很容易 ,但中级恐怕在很短时间难以成功 .你初级的成绩如果是 PASS WITH MERIT 那还可以 .如果是 LEVEL A2,那你最好放弃 ,因为这个成绩是安慰大家的 ,实际没有通过 .

BEC 中级需要你每天坚持听原文广播 1个小时 ,看原文报纸 2个小时 ,再加以针对性训练 .

最少 1年 .很少有人能坚持下来 .

学习英语不是为了考试 ,而是为了工作 .你必须从提高英语的角度来学习才能有收获


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